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my foto Jan Daciuk [ pronunciation ]

I am senior lecturer at the Department of Intelligent Interactive Systems, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of the Gdańsk University of Technology, formerly known as the Technical University of Gdańsk (the Polish name is always the same: Politechnika Gdańska), Poland. My interests lie in the Natural Language Processing, and Finite State Methods in particular.


Jan Daciuk,
Department of Intelligent Interactive Systems,
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics,
Gdańsk University of Technology,
Ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12,
80-233 Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz, Poland.
e-mail: jandac.eti!pg!gda!pl (turn . into @, and ! into .) for teaching, research, etc.
e-mail: user jandac at this domain - for my software and these pages.

No spam is welcome here.

I speak (in the decreasing order of fluency) Polish, English, French, Dutch, and German.

Natural Language Processing / Computational Linguistics

The Computation and Language E-Print Archive
A source of many articles in the computational linguistics field. They can be journal articles (e.g. from Computational Linguistics), technical reports, Ph.D. theses, etc. Hundreds of them!
The new version, a continuation of the cmp-lg archive.
Association for Computational Linguistics
This page has many links of interest to computational linguists. The Association is the principal organization for computational linguists.
The Human Languages Page
This page is devoted to bringing together information about the languages of the world. The language resources listed there range from dictionaries to language tutorials to spoken samples of languages.
The Human Languages Page
A mirror of an older version of the above.
The NL/CLG Universe
The Universe lists conference announcements; academic departments and institutes, companies, organizations, and individual researchers; books, corpora, and bibliographies; subject-specific information; and information in a variety of other categories.
Elsnet Survey
Includes Polish sites (this one as well)
Computational Linguistics in Poland
Informative pages maintained by Adam Przepiórkowski
Contains information about Polish diacritics: codes, fonts, etc. (in Polish)
My own contribution
Two sets of programs for handling finite state automata and transducers. The page contains links to other FSA software both written by me and by other people.
Finite-state automata and directed acyclic graphs
A page about FSA- and DAWG-related algorithms.

email: jandac.eti*pg*gda*pl (turn the dot into @, and *s into dots)

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