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The algorithms presented here are new and original. They have been developed during the author's stay at ISSCO, Geneva, Switzerland. At the same time, and independently, those algorithms were also developed by Bruce Watson and Richard Watson.

By exploiting particular features of deterministic acyclic FSA as opposed to finite-state automata in general, it was possible to devise a way to build automata more efficiently than it was possible in general case.

An algorithm described in [Rev91] also constructs an automaton from sorted data while performing a sort of minimization on-the-fly. Data is sorted in reverse order, and that property is used to compress the endings of words while building the automaton. This is called a pseudo-minimization , and it must be supplemented by a true minimization  afterwards. Although that technique is more economic in its use of memory than standard techniques, we are still left with an automaton that is not minimal in an intermediate state. Revuz writes that for the DELAF dictionary, the automaton after the pseudo-minimization phase was 8 times bigger than the minimal one. Our algorithms need the space for the minimal automaton, and the register. The size of the register is proportional to the number of states in the automaton, and it may have index structures proportional to the logarithm of the number of states. In any case, its size is much smaller than the size of the automaton.

Compared to Revuz'es algorithm, our algorithms use less memory, because they minimize the automaton each time a new word has been added. Our algorithm for sorted data makes it possible to perform some modifications that possibly reduce its size on-the-fly (such as e.g. pruning required for building a morphological guesser) because minimized parts of the automaton are left unchanged till the end of the construction process. The algorithm for data in arbitrary order no longer has that interesting property, but it is more flexible than the one by Dominique Revuz.

Note that it is possible to use the incremental algorithms described above to build deterministic acyclic finite-state automata with final transitions  . In fact, the algorithms presented in this chapter are the modified versions of the algorithms for the DAFSA-FT. Both the vectors of transitions, and the sparse table representation used by Dominique Revuz et al. can be used with the DAFSA-FT to obtain smaller automata. The gains depend on the characteristics of particular data. Table 4.5 provides some examples. The French words were taken from a morphological lexicon  of French from ISSCO, Geneva. It contains 210284 words. The Polish words come from a lexicon developed by Prof. Zygmunt Vetulani from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. It contains 1012496 words and expressions. The Polish lexicon is less regular. This may be the reason for bigger gains with that data. Note that the gains depend on the percentage of final states in the automaton. It is possible to construct such deterministic acyclic automata with n states that the corresponding DAFSA-FT has (n-2)/2+2 state. For large automata of this kind tex2html_wrap_inline5202. The automaton in figure 2.4 is such an automaton (n=4).

Table 4.5: DAFSA-FT compared with DAFSA dictionaries of French and Polish words

The same algorithms can be used to construct transducers . Labels from both levels can be put one after another (possibly using a filler character where there is no symbol on any level), and then treated as words for an automaton, with the alphabet  being tex2html_wrap_inline5206, where tex2html_wrap_inline5208 and tex2html_wrap_inline5210 are the alphabets of the levels. The transducers constructed in such a way are not subsequential.

We do not use the representation advocated by Revuz and others (based on [TY79]). That representation actually produces smaller dictionaries. This is achieved not by better placement of states (and their transitions) - this is already optimal in the vector representation we use, but by eliminating the need to store the number of transitions parting from a given state. It is also faster at recognition. However, in applications where one needs to list or to try all descendants of a state, like in spelling correction, diacritic restoration, and (partly) morphological analysis, it is much slower, as one must check all tex2html_wrap_inline5188 possibilities at each state.

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Jan Daciuk
Wed Jun 3 14:37:17 CEST 1998

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